CERC Releases Final Procedure for ESCerts Trading

The CERC has given its final approval for transaction of ESCerts (Energy Saving Certificates)

The approval contains the detailed procedure for the following:

  1. Registration of a Designated Consumer (DC) with registry as eligible entity
  2. Interface activities between Power Exchanges & Registry, Administrator & Registry and Registry & Designated Consumer
  3. Dealing of Energy Saving Certificates, Transfer and Other Residual Matters

The approval have been granted under the CERC (Terms and Conditions for Dealing in Energy Saving Certificates) Regulations, 2016.

Download Final ESCerts Trading Procedure

We at Bicon Consultants are committed to work with the Designated Consumers and advise them on:

  1. ESCert Listing
  2. ESCert Trading
  3. Compliance and Liaison with regulators and exchanges (both IEX and PXIL)
  4. Formulating bidding strategy based on market intelligence and existing market conditions
  5. Undertake bidding on behalf of your company on either of the Exchanges for Sale/Purchase of ESCerts

Contact us, for ESCerts trading services, Mandatory Energy Audits and PAT Audit Services.